Thanks for buying ClickChange! We hope you will enjoy it. If you have any questions or comments, please don't hesitate to call, write, or send electronic mail:
Dubl-Click Software, Inc.
22521 Styles Street
Woodland Hills, CA 91367-1730
America Online: DublClicks
AppleLink: Dubl.Click
Before you install ClickChange, be sure to turn off any virus protection software, and read the rest of this document. You can turn your virus protection back on after ClickChange has been installed, and you have restarted your Mac.
To keep this file small, we’ll be abbreviating ClickChange as “CC” for the rest of this document.
• ClickChange window - Option+clicking the Preferences button in the main CC window toggles the main power on or off without opening the Preferences dialog box. That’s why the Preferences icon looks a little different than shown in the manual.
• Menubar module - the “Reset” button has been replaced by two new buttons which appear at the bottom left of this window. The “Enable All” button automatically creates new menu titles based on the icon names, then assigns an icon to every title that matches the icon’s name. The “Disable All” button sets all menu titles to “No icon - use Text”, and sets the Stopwatch, Apple, and Help menus to use their “Factory Standard” icons.
• Menubar icons - can be toggled on and off by clicking in the menubar with the shift, option, control, and command keys all held down. There is a new item on the CC Clock’s popup menu called “Use Menu Icons” which you can also use to toggle the menubar icons on and off.
• Patterns module - the “Randomize Pattern” checkbox now marks each randomized pattern with a dot. Holding down the option key while selecting the pattern will also mark it with a dot. The two other randomization checkboxes have been moved to a dialog box that appears when you click on the “Random…” button. The new “Mark All” button simply marks all patterns with dots.
• Wallpaper™ format pattern files - CC can import patterns from more than one Wallpaper format file at a time. Just click “Import” from the CC pattern module, then click the “Import all Wallpaper Patterns listed” button. All Wallpaper format files shown in the list will be imported at one time. (Wallpaper™ is a product from and trademark of Thought I Could Software).
• Chicago NTSC font - install this font for use with the NTSC button and window styles. The button styles will look for this font and use it in place of regular the Chicago font. NTSC button and window styles are designed to elminate flicker when using a television screen in conjunction with an NTSC-capable monitor card.
• If you are running System 7.1 or newer, you can install sounds in your Fonts folder using a cool shareware utility called “FontFaker71”. This installation method has the advantage of keeping your System file smaller, and is also faster than importing sounds via ClickChange. By kind permission of FontFaker author, Lawrence Harris, a copy of this nifty utility has been included with ClickChange-- for you to try. FontFaker71 is shareware. If you like FontFaker, we strongly encourage you to send Larry a mere $4 shareware fee for making your life that much easier. Please read the “Read Me - FontFaker71” file for more information.
•• Note: to disable ClickChange in an incompatible application, simply add the application’s name to CC’s Preferences window. See pages 5-6 of the manual for details.
• AfterDark & Pyro - CC will not randomize desktop patterns while a screen saver is sleeping the screen.
• America Online 2.0 - uses its own custom button styles, so CC’s custom buttons won’t be used in many of AOL’s main windows, but will be used for most of AOL’s alert windows.
• Compression - we recommend that you do not compress the “ClickChange” and “ClickChange Data” files.
• Correct Grammar v2.0 - If Correct Grammar's window shows up blank, disable CC buttons for this program.
• DiskTop 4.0 - If using CC buttons, double-clicking folders in DiskTop may not open them. The reason is that DiskTop will sometimes redraw all its buttons when you click on a folder. The solution is to go to the "Mouse" Control Panel, and lengthen the double-click time.
• 4th Dimension v3.01 - incompatible.
• The “General” Control Panel - will only display color patterns when the main monitor is set to display color, and when the current desktop pattern is exactly 8x8 pixels and contains exactly 8 colors. CC’s “Factory Standard” desktop pattern is 8x8 and contains 8 colors.
• Infini-D - incompatible.
• Microsoft Excel - CC menubar icons will not work in Excel.
• Norton DiskLight - use version 2.0.4 or newer. Note: Symantec incremental versions are identified by the time shown in the creation date when you do a "Get Info" on DiskLight from the Finder (in this case 2:04).
• Norton Directory Assistance - when in color, the menus that appear in the top of the Open and Save dialog boxes remain hilited after use. Workaround: pull down “Directory Assistance Settings” from the dialog’s diamond menu and uncheck “Use Color”.
• Quark Xpress - uses its own custom scrollbar styles, so CC’s custom scrollbars won’t be used in Xpress.
• Quicktools PowerStrip - when PowerStrip’s “Auto Adjust Windows” option is enabled, the sample windows in CC’s windows module do not draw properly. This is only a cosmetic problem, and can be resolved by disabling the Auto Adjust feature.
• Ragtime - one of our beta testers reports that Ragtime is not compatible with CC. We have not confirmed this.
• SAM Intercept - will notify you when selecting many of your choices in CC modules. Just click the “Remember” button to continue. SAM will stop bothering you then, and all will be right in the world (well, CC will run OK anyway).
• Scrollbar patterns - we recommend you use a 64 x 64 or smaller pattern for scrollbars to speed scrolling.
• Sigma Designs INIT - do not use Sigma’s large cursor options with CC cursors enabled.
• Stuffit Deluxe - incompatible with CC’s window styles.
• Suitcase - If you use Suitcase to open your sound files (instead of installing sounds in your System file) and you want ClickChange to play a sound at startup that is contained in one of Suitcase’s files - make sure that Suitcase loads before CC your startup sound will not play.
• SunDesk - Make sure SunDesk loads before CC or the two will fight over the right to draw your system cursors. Better yet: use ResEdit to remove all 'CURS' and 'crsr' resources from SunDesk's data file and don't worry about the INIT load order.
• Supermac Spectrum/24 Series III video cards - with the main monitor set to millions of colors, dimmed menubar icons will disappear.
• System file - Do not lock the System file or CC will not work properly! CC imports sounds to the System file. System colors, and scrollbar patterns are stored there as well.
• The Trash icon - when using 128 x 128 desktop patterns on a monitor displaying more than 256 colors, there is a 50% chance that when the trashcan icon is drawn, that the desktop pattern surrounding the trash icon will not draw properly, depending upon the TrashCan's location on the screen. This is a bug in the System, and Apple is aware of the problem. Workarounds are to move your Trashcan around until the pattern starts drawing properly, to use a 64 x 64 desktop pattern, or to display fewer colors.
• Microsoft Word - when some dialog boxes are dismissed, occassionally a small section of the dialog will not get erased inside the document window. This is a result of some programming in Word designed to speed the updating of its document windows. The problem only happens when using some of CC’s oversized window styles (such as Win-doze). This is strictly a cosmetic problem; scrolling or typing in the document will erase the unwanted residue.
• Word Perfect - uses its own custom window styles, so CC’s custom windows won’t be used in Word Perfect.
• Apple 8/24 GC color card INIT - not compatible with CC.
• DateBook™ INIT - make sure this INIT loads after CC, or you won't be able to customize the arrow cursor.
• E-Machines INIT - not compatible with CC.
• Escapade - forces cursors in dialog boxes to be either an arrow or an i-beam.
• GateKeeper - not compatible with CC. We recommend you use a different virus protection package (such as Disinfectant, SAM, or Virex).
• KiwiPowerMenus - make sure this INIT loads after CC, or KPM won’t work properly.
• KiwiPowerWindows - not compatible with CC.
• PseudoFPU - not compatible with CC.
• Timbuktu - not compatible with CC unless both connected Macs are running CC.
• Scroll2 INIT or the Stretch INIT (PD) - either select “Factory Standard” scrollbars in CC, or disable these INITs.
• WindChooser INIT (PD) - either select “Factory Standard” windows in CC, or disable this INIT.